Tuesday 23 August 2016

How to Forgive - Steven Webb

Steven Webb is the author of 'The Moving Road - Start Your Own Journey to Success in Four Simple Steps', blogger on www.themovingroad.com, speaker and motivational guru.

Being severely paralysed since 1991, Steven Webb has not only endured his disability for nearly 25 years, but has also dealt with many other adversities in his own life from bankruptcy to attempted suicide. Now in his 40s, Steven has managed to turn his life around from being on the brink of a complete breakdown to becoming a highly motivated author, blogger and speaker.

There are hundreds of self-help books, many of which will tell you to set goals and then take action towards them. They are absolutely right, because that is what success is in a nutshell.

So why read "The Moving Road - Start Your Own Journey to Success in Four Simple Steps?"

While this book is essentially about setting goals and taking action, Steven also documents and explains why it is not quite that simple, and gives you the tools and the knowledge to understand why it is difficult for each of us to change. Knowing these things will give you the ability to anticipate the difficult patches, as well as help you to deal with your current bad habits and give you the ability to find your passion and start doing what you really enjoy.

You have two choices: you can sit and wait for the next pay rise, job offer or winning lottery ticket; or you can invest in yourself and start generating the life you've dreamt of since you were a child.

Download the book and start turning your life around right now!

How To Have Self Confidence - Tony Robbins

NO COAT, NO SHOES, NO KEYNOTE - DailyVee 001 - Gary Vaynerchuk

How To Short-Circuit The Fear Of Rejection

Friday 12 August 2016

How To Stop Shyness in 60 Seconds

I'm Desperately Excited to Fail In Front of You - Gary Vaynerchuk #hustle

How to Develop a Millionaire Mindset - Jack Canfield

Some great advice here.  I am even doing this sort of thing myself, but often forget to, so this was a great reminder for me.  Sometimes you need some structure around this, so I try and put reminders in place on my laptop, but do whatever it takes I guess to make sure you remember to do this sort of thing regularly.  I'm going to try it more and more now that I am more focussed on it.

One thing I think I need is mentoring, as I often feel like I am not sure I am "doing things right".  I am sure you sometimes feel the same way.  I am thinking of doing a course where I get mentored in my business approach.  I was also considering doing the Tai Lopez 67 Steps program - I have heard a few people say they don't think a set of videos can help you get rich - but isn't that obvious?

I am not putting those people down at all, but for a relatively small amount of money what do you expect to get?  For me it would be the knowledge imparted, and the structure of the program to make me accountable for what I am doing and call me into action to get things done.

I can't fully comment on it as I have not done it yet, but I prefer to keep an open mind on these things, and often when I think so negatively on a subject, I realise it is saying more about me than about the thing I am referring to.  Wow, deep for a Friday morning eh...

Anyway, if you want to check it out and decide for yourself take a look at http://www.the67steps.com/c/offer/ and at least take the free advice.

Have a great Friday people, I am sending you all positive thoughts and goodwill.
Dave x

Thursday 11 August 2016

The Single Most Important Drug in Society - Gary Vaynerchuk #hustle

How to speak with confidence - Jonathan Li - TEDxHongKongLive

4 Mistakes To Avoid On The First Call With The Client

Talking to Clients and Prospects: Your Tone

How To Add 100 Years To Your Life - Robin Sharma

Read more from the amazing, honest & inspiring Robin Sharma here:

Eric Thomas, Motivation, Success & Public Speaking #AskGaryVee Episode 223

Wednesday 10 August 2016

The 4 Hour Workweek & Tim Ferriss: Tai Lopez Reviews The Book

Read more about Tim Ferriss' book "The 4-Hour Work Week" by clicking on the image below:

Or check out some other great books by Tim Ferriss HERE

And if you like Tai Lopez and want to find out more on his program to help you get more from life click HERE


The 5 Consistencies of Game Changers - Robin Sharma

Read more from the amazing, honest & inspiring Robin Sharma here:

Start Something That Matters - Brendon Burchard

Read more from Brendon:


Latest Personal Development Course Dates

Here are the latest dates I have for some great Personal Development courses.

I hope you are able to get to one of these!

Many offer discounted tickets in advance, so the sooner you book your ticket the more you will save.

8 September 2016
Tony Robbins Unleash The Power Within
Sydney, Australia
Discount Tickets Available HERE

9 September 2016
Millionaire Mind Intensive - T Harv Eker
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Discount Tickets Available HERE

16 September 2016
Millionaire Mind Intensive - T Harv Eker
Discount Tickets Available HERE

14 October 2016
Millionaire Mind Intensive - T Harv Eker
Discount Tickets Available HERE

28 April 2017
Tony Robbins Unleash The Power Within
London, England
Discount Tickets Available HERE

May 2017
Tony Robbins Date With Destiny
Gold Coast, Australia
Discount Tickets Available HERE

Dave x

The #AskGaryVee Show Episode 222 - Gary Vaynerchuk #hustle

Tuesday 9 August 2016

Don't Let Others Dictate Your Outcome - Gary Vaynerchuk #hustle

The Journey Of Awakening - Eckhart Tolle #spirituality

Read more from the great Eckhart Tolle in his book:

How Your Brain Predicts Your Financial Success - John Assaraf

Read more about John and his techniques here:

Social Media Is Not Ruining Us - Gary Vaynerchuk Interview

4 Steps to Becoming a Role Model - Brendon Burchard

Sign up on this blog to see more great content and get blog post summaries sent straight to your inbox, so you never miss a great article!

You can read more from Brendon here:


Dave x

How to Deal with ANGER - Brendon Burchard

Read more from Brendon here:


You Do You - Gary Vaynerchuk #hustle

4 Good Reasons You Procrastinate - Jack Canfield

5 Quotes To Lift Your Game - Robin Sharma

Read more from the amazing, honest & inspiring Robin Sharma here:

The Two Things That Hold You Back - Gary Vaynerchuk #hustle

Saturday 6 August 2016

August is the Month to Go All In - Gary Vaynerchuk #garyvee #hustle

Does Authenticity Ever Suck? Brendon Burchard

Mind Body Coach Website

A quick shout out to my great brother-in-law Martyn who is a trained holistic lifestyle coach!

Here's a short extract from his website:


"Everyone’s individuality is a combination of their physical, emotional, mental and spiritual attributes.
Holistic lifestyle coaching can help uncover hidden, underlying factors that are creating symptoms of ill health and a lack of well-being.  Appropriate therapies can then be used to address these factors and facilitate healing."

“As you think so you shall become” Bruce Lee 


"Are you looking to improve stamina, develop strength, control your weight, correct your posture or just feel more energised in your daily life? These are all areas where holistic health coaching can help provide the motivation, guidance, support and inspiration to help you achieve your goals in a planned, structured way.  As well as relevant exercise, emphasis is placed on ensuring you get appropriate nutrition by following a dietary regime tailored to your body’s requirements."
"You are what you eat." Victor Lindlahr

If you want to read more or see if Martyn can help your mind and/or body then please visit his website!  If you mention this post he might even give you a discount!



Thursday 4 August 2016

Tony Robbins - The Keys To Massive Success

Multimillion-copy bestselling author of Awaken the Giant Within and Unlimited Power has created a new 7-step blueprint for securing financial freedom. Based on extensive research and one-on-one interviews with more than 50 of the most legendary financial experts in the world - from Carl Icahn, to Warren Buffett, to Jack Bogle and Steve Forbes, Tony Robbins. Robbins has a brilliant way of using metaphor and story to illustrate even the most complex financial concepts - making them simple and actionable.With expert advice on our most important financial decisions, Robbins is an advocate for the reader, dispelling the myths that often rob people of their financial dreams.

Tony Robbins walks readers of every income level, through the steps to become financially free by creating a lifetime income plan. This book delivers invaluable information and essential practices for getting your financial house in order. It's the book millions of people have been waiting for.


Monday 1 August 2016