Friday 15 September 2017


I’m a massive fan of podcasts now thanks to the reminder to start listening to them again by Rob Moore.  I love listening during “dead” time, like when I am walking, commuting or at the gym – it means I can listen & learn without it feeling like much of an effort.  Some call it “super-productivity” when you combine it with another productive task like going to the gym for example.  For me it’s almost a habit now, and I’m getting through tons of great content.

Another great tip from Rob was to listen to them at 1.5x speed (I can’t quite listen at 2x speed yet as he suggests!) – I didn’t even know you could do that.

Here are my current favourites for personal development, business, productivity, that sort of thing…

The Brendon Show – Brendon Burchard
The Robin Sharma Mastery Sessions – Robin Sharma
Beyond The To Do List – Erik Fisher
The Tai Lopez Show – Tai Lopez
The GaryVee Audio Experience – Gary Vaynerchuk
The Disruptive Entrepreneur – Rob Moore

Check them out if you haven’t done so already. If you’ve any other gems let me know, I’d love to hear.

Dave x