Inspiration to help YOU get the most out of your life & be the Master of your own Destiny!
Tuesday 31 May 2016
Sunday 29 May 2016
Saturday 28 May 2016
The 3 Decisions That Will Change Your Financial Life #finance #success
If you're in the UK you only have a couple of days left to register for Business Mastery.
Get your tickets quick at
Friday 27 May 2016
Tony Robbins on How to Turn Business Obstacles into Opportunities #success #businessmastery
Read my blog article on Tony Robbins Busines Master here >>>
LinkedIn Marketing: 5 Steps to Growing Your Business on LinkedIn
Some great advice here. If you're in London next week check out and get Tony Robbins help you take your business to the next level.
Thursday 26 May 2016
Wednesday 25 May 2016
The 7 Forces of Business Mastery - Tony Robbins
London Tickets for Business Mastery available by clicking HERE
Tony even says he will give you your money back after Day1 if you are not fully satisfied - can't say fairer than that I guess!
3 Books Every Entrepreneur Should Read #success
If you are in the UK you can read more here:
Or read more from Brian Tracy here:
Tuesday 24 May 2016
Monday 23 May 2016
Think And Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill #bookreview #success
I can't really review the book as I'm still reading it(!).
I'm a slow reader, and only really read when I feel I am in "dead time" like commuting, so I only get to read this on the train to and from work. Bullshit I know, but run with it.
My daughter would still laugh at me though, she can polish off a book in under a day. I am so glad for her!
But I am really enjoying taking my time with this book - it doesn't need to be rushed, I don't need to get to the end so I can "tick it off" as a book I had to read. I will read it of course, but I already knew a few pages in that I would be keeping this book and re-reading it again and again in the future...
I've never said that about a book before I think. Well, maybe Richard Koch's 80/20 Principle book, but then again I'm only going to read 20% of that the next time :-)
Basically, I'm loving this book - I can see some of the affirmation type theory in other personal development stuff I have been reading and researching, but for some reason when I started reading this book it all felt new and exciting and different. I felt like I was being let in on some big secret, and I felt like a kid again.
Now, I know it's not going to make me rich just by reading it, but I know it will make me rich if I follow the advice, tips, exercises and turn the theory and ideas into my own reality. It still did make me feel something other books have not, and that's awesome!
People I know don't seem to recommend things like this, and are very dismissive of such books. But as my new (virtual) pal @garyvee might say "Just fucking do it, go for it, get on it, enjoy it, suck it dry".
No idea if he would really say that, but I can hear him in my head giving a passionate rant about it...
Jeez that guy has some energy and passion... I'm new to @garyvee but am finding him a breath of fresh fucking air (oops there he goes again, sorry).
Maybe it's just me - hopefully you will understand if you have read it or are reading it now. But I encourage you to check it out.
Here's the official blurb of the book:
Napoleon Hill's best-selling THINK AND GROW RICH! is the most widely acclaimed, influential book on success ever published. THINK AND GROW RICH! explains entrepreneur Andrew Carnegie's secret to success, revealed to Napoleon Hill during private interviews with Carnegie, the richest man of his time and during more than 20 years of research into the lives and philosophies of more than 500 of the most successful people in America. This timeless classic presents a systematic nuts-and-bolts approach to developing the skills and mindset required to achieve exceptional success in any field or endeavour, personal or professional. Hill explains in detail 13 steps required to achieve those goals. The book contains numerous self-tests and checklists. In addition, it provides key details about Dr. Hill's life and times, his life-long research and the leaders of business and industry he studied to glean the invaluable principles of success you'll discover here.
This is a steal on Amazon UK at the moment for just £4.99 - grab yourself a copy here:
Or if you are in the US it's only $8.68:
Dave G or should that be Dave Gee?
Exercise in the Morning to Be Productive During Your Day #productivity
If you're not exercising in the morning, you may be missing out on an opportunity to increase your productivity. Your energy level may not be as high as it could be.
But when you exercise in the morning, you're more likely to feel energized during your day. And when you're energized, you're more productive.
If you currently exercise, but you exercise in the afternoon or evening, try having your exercise session in the morning instead. Exercising in the morning will give your day a great start and will influence the rest of your day.
If you feel you don't have enough time to exercise in the morning, try waking up earlier to make time for an exercise session.
Disciplining yourself to exercise in the morning can be tough. A solution to this is to establish it as a habit. It takes about 3 weeks to establish a new habit. So for the next 21 days, discipline yourself to exercise every morning. If on one morning you don't feel motivated to exercise, force yourself to exercise anyway. You'll have to discipline yourself to do it no matter how you feel.
The 21-day period may be tough on some days. But after you've finished the 21 days, it should be easy to keep exercising in the morning. It has now become an established habit.
If you prefer not to exercise every day, you can initially exercise every day for the 21-day period. And then once the 21-day period is over, you can cut back on the days you exercise. For instance, you might cut it down to exercising 3 mornings a week.
Want more time management tips?
Want to be more productive, focused & happy?
Create your own empowering morning ritual with Morning Ritual Mastery
Article Source:
Sunday 22 May 2016
Small Business Tips #businessmastery
To take your business to the next level take a look at the upcoming Business Mastery 5-day program in London >>>
Saturday 21 May 2016
How To Become A Morning Person + Be More Productive - Rachel Aust #productivity
Want to be more productive, focused & happy?
Create your own empowering morning ritual with Morning Ritual Mastery >>>
Friday 20 May 2016
Morning Hacks To Start Your Day #productivity
What does Tony Robbins, Oprah and Lady Gaga all have in common?
Empowering morning rituals!
Click to learn more:
Thursday 19 May 2016
Wednesday 18 May 2016
When Are You Most Productive? How to Maximize Your Productivity
When Are You Most Productive?
I'm most productive first thing in the morning, right after I finish my breakfast and sit down in front of the computer with my first cup of coffee.
I have my day all planned out. I divide my work day into 6 to 8 one hour blocks of time, and I assign a specific task to each block. I do this the night before. Thus I am completely organized for maximum productivity.
So before I even get into my work space, I know exactly what I'm going to do this day.
Are you impressed?
You should be, because I really do this everyday as part of my working routine.
There's only one problem. Even though I have the most energy in the morning, and I have all these tasks lined up, somehow I don't always follow my plan.
My most important time blocks are for content creation, whether it is writing an article, writing a blog post or writing the script for a video.
The problem is that as I sit in front of my computer, I get an unexpected case of writer's block. I know the topic I want to write about, but the words just don't come.
So to avoid being unproductive, I decide to make a couple of posts to my Facebook page. Good Idea! Right?
Well, Facebook can easily start you on a slippery slope so far as productivity goes. I'm sure I don't have to explain how this can happen. There are too many tempting distractions.
The other strange thing I've discovered is that in spite of having the most energy in the mornings, I also seem to have the greatest number of distractions.
I know what I want to accomplish that day, but my mind keeps jumping from one interesting topic to another.
As I go through my day, getting a few things done related to my business, running a few errands to cope with the usual demands of daily life, I soon come to the end of the daylight hours.
After dinner, and an hour or two of TV, I settle back to my work space to plan my next day.
But this is when a strange thing happens. All of a sudden, I get an idea in my mind about some content I want to produce, I start making some notes, and before I realize it I am typing away furiously as the thoughts and ideas pour into my mind.
When I check the time, it's approaching 2:00 AM and I still have a few more lines to complete. I'm now physically tired, but I feel that I have to finish the piece of content I'm working on.
When I'm done, I have two articles written, plus a blog post or some other piece of content I had been thinking about.
So what's going on here!?
Apparently, some of us find that we can be most productive and even most creative late in the day or late at night.
I am by no means a "morning person," nor a night owl, it just so happens that my creative energy, my drive, my desire and joy to work come at various times of the day.
This can be very disconcerting, and very tough on your neatly set up daily working plans. It used to bother me a lot. I thought I was not only weird, but lacking in discipline and organization.
Then I read a comment from a super successful online marketer who confessed to having days when he couldn't get himself motivated in the morning, or the rest of the day and having to just take the day off.
Interestingly, he commented that he was not alone, that everyone working from home had this experience quite frequently.
The secret answer he said was to make the most of those periods, day or night, when everything started to flow, and to get as much done as long as the energy lasted, even if it meant pulling an all-nighter.
So that's what I do now, and I no longer feel guilty when the mornings get off to a slow start.
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Want to be more productive, focused & happy?
Create your own empowering morning ritual with Morning Ritual Mastery >>>
I'm most productive first thing in the morning, right after I finish my breakfast and sit down in front of the computer with my first cup of coffee.
I have my day all planned out. I divide my work day into 6 to 8 one hour blocks of time, and I assign a specific task to each block. I do this the night before. Thus I am completely organized for maximum productivity.
So before I even get into my work space, I know exactly what I'm going to do this day.
Are you impressed?
You should be, because I really do this everyday as part of my working routine.
There's only one problem. Even though I have the most energy in the morning, and I have all these tasks lined up, somehow I don't always follow my plan.
My most important time blocks are for content creation, whether it is writing an article, writing a blog post or writing the script for a video.
The problem is that as I sit in front of my computer, I get an unexpected case of writer's block. I know the topic I want to write about, but the words just don't come.
So to avoid being unproductive, I decide to make a couple of posts to my Facebook page. Good Idea! Right?
Well, Facebook can easily start you on a slippery slope so far as productivity goes. I'm sure I don't have to explain how this can happen. There are too many tempting distractions.
The other strange thing I've discovered is that in spite of having the most energy in the mornings, I also seem to have the greatest number of distractions.
I know what I want to accomplish that day, but my mind keeps jumping from one interesting topic to another.
As I go through my day, getting a few things done related to my business, running a few errands to cope with the usual demands of daily life, I soon come to the end of the daylight hours.
After dinner, and an hour or two of TV, I settle back to my work space to plan my next day.
But this is when a strange thing happens. All of a sudden, I get an idea in my mind about some content I want to produce, I start making some notes, and before I realize it I am typing away furiously as the thoughts and ideas pour into my mind.
When I check the time, it's approaching 2:00 AM and I still have a few more lines to complete. I'm now physically tired, but I feel that I have to finish the piece of content I'm working on.
When I'm done, I have two articles written, plus a blog post or some other piece of content I had been thinking about.
So what's going on here!?
Apparently, some of us find that we can be most productive and even most creative late in the day or late at night.
I am by no means a "morning person," nor a night owl, it just so happens that my creative energy, my drive, my desire and joy to work come at various times of the day.
This can be very disconcerting, and very tough on your neatly set up daily working plans. It used to bother me a lot. I thought I was not only weird, but lacking in discipline and organization.
Then I read a comment from a super successful online marketer who confessed to having days when he couldn't get himself motivated in the morning, or the rest of the day and having to just take the day off.
Interestingly, he commented that he was not alone, that everyone working from home had this experience quite frequently.
The secret answer he said was to make the most of those periods, day or night, when everything started to flow, and to get as much done as long as the energy lasted, even if it meant pulling an all-nighter.
So that's what I do now, and I no longer feel guilty when the mornings get off to a slow start.
Article Source:
Want to be more productive, focused & happy?
Create your own empowering morning ritual with Morning Ritual Mastery >>>
Tuesday 17 May 2016
Ramit Sethi on Productivity, Planning & Keeping a Schedule
To get more productive in the mornings & kick start your days check out
Monday 16 May 2016
Sunday 15 May 2016
3 Ways to Increase Your Day-to-Day Productivity
Every Success Story Has This One Thing In Common! Practically every successful person has an empowering routine that creates massive success in their life. This is how they do it:
Read more from Brian Tracy here:
Saturday 14 May 2016
The Science of Productivity #GTD #hustle
Get YOUR shit together and start with a morning routine using this awesome training program:
Friday 13 May 2016
The Art of Stress-Free Productivity - David Allen
Every Success Story Has This One Thing In Common!
Practically every successful person has an empowering routine that creates massive success in their life. This is how they do it:
How to Run a Successful Small Business #smallbusiness
Tony Robbins Business Mastery can help you take your business to the next level and beyond.
Read more about it in my blog post HERE
How to Increase Productivity: 9 Ways to Instantly Boost Your Productivity
This May Be The Only Thing Limiting Your Success... The happiest, most successful people in the world start their day with an empowering morning routine. Learn how to tap into the same power:
Thursday 12 May 2016
My Miracle Morning Routine For #Productivity & #Focus
Every Success Story Has This One Thing In Common!
Practically every successful person has an empowering routine that creates massive success in their life. This is how they do it:
The 80/20 Rule for Goal-Setting #8020 #productivity #goals
If you haven't done so already why not read Richard Koch's awesome book on the 80/20 principle - I did, and it's one of those books I will never forget reading!
You can grab yourself a copy here for those in the UK here:
Read more from Brian Tracy here:
Wednesday 11 May 2016
Double YOUR #Productivity in 1 Day With 5 Simple Tips
This May Be The Only Thing Limiting Your Success...
The happiest, most successful people in the world start their day with an empowering morning routine. Learn how to tap into the same power:
Tony Robbins Business Mastery London May 30th #success #entrepreneur
What is Business Mastery?
A 5 Day Live Training Program led by Anthony Robbins where you can expect to grow your business 30 - 100% in the next 12 months!
Devised by world-renowned business leader Anthony Robbins and developed with some of the brightest business minds in the world, The Seven Forces of Business Mastery have allowed thousands of businesses to thrive despite one of the worst economies in history.
As always, admission to Business Mastery is extremely competitive. But if you're accepted, you can expect to grow your business 30 - 100% in the next 12 months!
"I’ve designed this program to inspire, educate and unite you and your team to meet the challenges of economic change and reinvent yourself in a dynamic marketplace."
Learn Tony Robbins' strategies working alongside some of the brightest business minds in the world
Are You Ready to Lead Your Business to a Place Beyond Business-As-Usual?
If you know anything about Tony Robbins, if you have had any experience with him or his programs, you know one thing above all else; he delivers.
His 5 day, application-only event, Business Mastery, is coming to London, 2016. Using state-of-the-art strategies and access to some of the most renowned business leaders of our time, you will immerse yourself in solutions for lasting and inspiring business results.
Would you invest 5 days to finally take control of YOUR business?
5 Ways To Be Productive For Work & School - Morning Routine #productivity
This May Be The Only Thing Limiting Your Success...
The happiest, most successful people in the world start their day with an empowering morning routine. Learn how to tap into the same power:
Tuesday 10 May 2016
6 Time Management Tips to Increase #Productivity for #success
This May Be The Only Thing Limiting Your Success...
The happiest, most successful people in the world start their day with an empowering morning routine. Learn how to tap into the same power:
Or read more from Brian Tracy here:
Unstoppable Confidence: Be More You - Dr Aziz #success #integrity #honesty
Read more from Dr Aziz here:
5 Morning Rituals to Keep You Productive All Day Long #productivity
This May Be The Only Thing Limiting Your Success...
The happiest, most successful people in the world start their day with an empowering morning routine.
Learn how to tap into the same power:
Sunday 8 May 2016
How to Change Our Mindset Through Positive Self Talk #positivity
We have around 50,000 thoughts every day, and 95 percent of these
are repeated daily.
One way to reprogram the subconscious mind is through autosuggestion, which means that you repeat to yourself the same thing over and over and over again.
Affirmations are a powerful tool that you can use to reprogram your subconscious mind and influence your life.
Affirmations are positive statements that are repeated out loud to change your beliefs, habits, and thought patterns.
Through repetition, the subconscious mind accepts the affirmation, and the statement becomes part of your way of thinking. The subconscious mind is the root of our issues; if you have limiting beliefs, they are embedded deep in your subconscious mind. By using affirmation frames, you can free your subconscious mind and eliminate these beliefs.
Through affirmation frames, you can achieve excellence through motivation. You will approach your life with a passion, drive, energy, and motivation to make the most of everything and achieve success. You are able to increase your desires and level of ambition to fuel your motivation instead of settling for second best. You will be able to take more action instead of procrastinating. And most of all, you will be able to change the way your mind works and start enjoying getting things done and the reward that comes with being highly motivated.
A positive affirmation is simply a statement that affirms something is true. Through repetition and consistency, the statement becomes stored in your mind and starts changing your beliefs. It influences your personality and even alters your behavior. For example, if you say such phrases as "I can do anything I put my mind to" or "I am a master in sales" and say such phrases over and over and over again, eventually you will start to really believe it, and it will influence your personality. Most of all, you will become more confident.
Consistency is the key to using affirmation to change your way of thinking. As you know, change doesn't happen overnight, and even though affirmation frames are very powerful, they do take time to have a positive effect. Make a commitment to recite your affirmations every day three times a day-best to do this in the morning, during the day, and in the evening. Say your affirmations out loud ten times each day and you will quickly notice a difference. You could even record yourself saying the affirmations and listen to it three times a day or at night. If the noise doesn't bother you, you could let the recording play throughout the night.
"Change begins in language, and when you change your language, you can change your reality."
Just as positive affirmations change our behavior and beliefs, negative thoughts or limiting beliefs do the same.
Examples of such limiting beliefs could be that "I'm not experienced enough," "I'm not good enough," "I don't have it in me," "I don't have a college degree," "I'm too old," "I don't have any money," "I'm too afraid," "I don't have the time." If we focus on such limiting beliefs, they will end up holding us back because our subconscious mind adapts to what we say to ourselves, which results in holding ourselves back and limiting ourselves from accomplishing great things.
Affirmation, Visualization, and The Law of Attraction go hand in hand because the way we think or the things we think about also applies to the things we have in life. We attract the things we focus on the most. Unfortunately, most people focus on what they don't want instead of focusing on the things they do want. For example, if you want to become successful with your business or your sales career, focus on that. See it as if it has already happened. Feel how it will feel when you are successful. The same thing applies if you are currently renting and your dream is to own your own home. Draw a mental picture of having that-your dream home. Picture it exactly the way you want it.
By focusing on what you want, you basically think it into existence-your subconscious mind always catches up with
what we
think about, so if you think big, you will get big. If you think
successful, you will become successful, but if you keep focusing on
negative things and think you will never be able to make it in sales or
that you will never be able to own your dream home, guess what's going
to happen-nothing! Nothing is going to happen because you don't allow
yourself to let it happen.
One way to reprogram the subconscious mind is through autosuggestion, which means that you repeat to yourself the same thing over and over and over again.
Affirmations are a powerful tool that you can use to reprogram your subconscious mind and influence your life.
Affirmations are positive statements that are repeated out loud to change your beliefs, habits, and thought patterns.
Through repetition, the subconscious mind accepts the affirmation, and the statement becomes part of your way of thinking. The subconscious mind is the root of our issues; if you have limiting beliefs, they are embedded deep in your subconscious mind. By using affirmation frames, you can free your subconscious mind and eliminate these beliefs.
Through affirmation frames, you can achieve excellence through motivation. You will approach your life with a passion, drive, energy, and motivation to make the most of everything and achieve success. You are able to increase your desires and level of ambition to fuel your motivation instead of settling for second best. You will be able to take more action instead of procrastinating. And most of all, you will be able to change the way your mind works and start enjoying getting things done and the reward that comes with being highly motivated.
A positive affirmation is simply a statement that affirms something is true. Through repetition and consistency, the statement becomes stored in your mind and starts changing your beliefs. It influences your personality and even alters your behavior. For example, if you say such phrases as "I can do anything I put my mind to" or "I am a master in sales" and say such phrases over and over and over again, eventually you will start to really believe it, and it will influence your personality. Most of all, you will become more confident.
Consistency is the key to using affirmation to change your way of thinking. As you know, change doesn't happen overnight, and even though affirmation frames are very powerful, they do take time to have a positive effect. Make a commitment to recite your affirmations every day three times a day-best to do this in the morning, during the day, and in the evening. Say your affirmations out loud ten times each day and you will quickly notice a difference. You could even record yourself saying the affirmations and listen to it three times a day or at night. If the noise doesn't bother you, you could let the recording play throughout the night.
"Change begins in language, and when you change your language, you can change your reality."
Just as positive affirmations change our behavior and beliefs, negative thoughts or limiting beliefs do the same.
Examples of such limiting beliefs could be that "I'm not experienced enough," "I'm not good enough," "I don't have it in me," "I don't have a college degree," "I'm too old," "I don't have any money," "I'm too afraid," "I don't have the time." If we focus on such limiting beliefs, they will end up holding us back because our subconscious mind adapts to what we say to ourselves, which results in holding ourselves back and limiting ourselves from accomplishing great things.
Affirmation, Visualization, and The Law of Attraction go hand in hand because the way we think or the things we think about also applies to the things we have in life. We attract the things we focus on the most. Unfortunately, most people focus on what they don't want instead of focusing on the things they do want. For example, if you want to become successful with your business or your sales career, focus on that. See it as if it has already happened. Feel how it will feel when you are successful. The same thing applies if you are currently renting and your dream is to own your own home. Draw a mental picture of having that-your dream home. Picture it exactly the way you want it.
By focusing on what you want, you basically think it into existence-your subconscious mind always catches up with
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Take Action!
This May Be The Only Thing Limiting Your Success...
The happiest, most successful people in the world start their day with an empowering morning routine. Learn how to tap into the same power:
How To Focus - Some Simple Tips #productivity
For many people, the desire to focus better and get things done overwhelms everything else. Yet when they get right down to it, the same people find it easy to be distracted and do not implement effective methods to boost focus. The key, then, is to identify simple tips that will show you how to focus better.
1. Know What Matters
The specific details will differ from one person to another. But all of us care about something. By deciding which are these important areas, you can select the right things to focus upon.
2. Choose Important Tasks
Every morning, select 2 tasks that you will finish by the end of the day. These tasks will fall into categories that are important to you. You have already identified them in the previous step, by deciding what matters most to you. Now when you get these 2 tasks done, you will be moving towards your important goals.
3. Get Things Done
You've chosen two tasks to complete. The next goal is to actually complete them. There is no point in just drawing up lists of things to do if you do not take follow up action and finish the tasks. So make that your highest priority. Get them done as early in the day as possible.
4. Put Off Distractions
Several things are interesting. You will constantly be tempted to try other things that you enjoy doing. But resist the temptation at least until you finish the two important tasks for the day. Once you get into the habit of resisting distractions, your focus will automatically improve and you will get more work done.
5. Stop Multitasking
Maybe you are used to talking on the phone while typing on your computer and simultaneously taking notes. Or maybe you try to cram an important conference call into the time you're doing the cooking while also keeping an eye on your son's homework. Stop multitasking. It makes you less effective. And it worsens your focus. Instead, concentrate fully on one of the tasks. Get it done. Then turn your attention to the next one. This way, you will finish more work in less time.
6. Slow Down
Hurrying through tasks is a surefire way to make mistakes or get things wrong. When you do that, you'll have to repeat the task. That takes longer. And it is also more effort-intensive. If you go about your tasks methodically and slowly, you will complete it faster and with fewer mistakes.
These simple steps will improve your ability to focus and make you more efficient. Soon the improved focus will become a habit and your effectiveness will skyrocket.
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Need More ??? >>>
This May Be The Only Thing Limiting Your Success...
The happiest, most successful people in the world start their day with an empowering morning routine. Learn how to tap into the same power:
1. Know What Matters
The specific details will differ from one person to another. But all of us care about something. By deciding which are these important areas, you can select the right things to focus upon.
2. Choose Important Tasks
Every morning, select 2 tasks that you will finish by the end of the day. These tasks will fall into categories that are important to you. You have already identified them in the previous step, by deciding what matters most to you. Now when you get these 2 tasks done, you will be moving towards your important goals.
3. Get Things Done
You've chosen two tasks to complete. The next goal is to actually complete them. There is no point in just drawing up lists of things to do if you do not take follow up action and finish the tasks. So make that your highest priority. Get them done as early in the day as possible.
4. Put Off Distractions
Several things are interesting. You will constantly be tempted to try other things that you enjoy doing. But resist the temptation at least until you finish the two important tasks for the day. Once you get into the habit of resisting distractions, your focus will automatically improve and you will get more work done.
5. Stop Multitasking
Maybe you are used to talking on the phone while typing on your computer and simultaneously taking notes. Or maybe you try to cram an important conference call into the time you're doing the cooking while also keeping an eye on your son's homework. Stop multitasking. It makes you less effective. And it worsens your focus. Instead, concentrate fully on one of the tasks. Get it done. Then turn your attention to the next one. This way, you will finish more work in less time.
6. Slow Down
Hurrying through tasks is a surefire way to make mistakes or get things wrong. When you do that, you'll have to repeat the task. That takes longer. And it is also more effort-intensive. If you go about your tasks methodically and slowly, you will complete it faster and with fewer mistakes.
These simple steps will improve your ability to focus and make you more efficient. Soon the improved focus will become a habit and your effectiveness will skyrocket.
Article Source:
Need More ??? >>>
This May Be The Only Thing Limiting Your Success...
The happiest, most successful people in the world start their day with an empowering morning routine. Learn how to tap into the same power:
Saturday 7 May 2016
What to Do When Motivation Is Gone #motivation #inspiration
Woke up one morning, staring at nowhere, mind blank, cannot think, feeling burned out, motivation gone, no idea what to do.
When did life become a routine?
Who were you kidding?
What was that about changing the world?
What about that dream?
That goal you had in mind?
How about the task you were suppose to do today?
Have you ever had those days?
In simple words, today you just don't feel like doing anything.
Everyone feels this way at some point in their lives, life became a routine, your dreams are dying, you're feeling lazy, you want change, you're tired, you want out. But the question remains;
What should I do next?
Remind yourself who you're doing this for
Why are you waking up every morning to get ready for work? is it for your kids? a promotion?
It's easy to forget why we do the things we do when life suddenly becomes a routine. A simple reminder why you started in the first place might get you back on track.
Do something different
Life has become a routine, to break a routine you must do something different. Try starting your day with exercise. Jog outside or do 100 push ups. After accomplishing a workout first thing in the morning, you're now ready to accomplish more tasks for the day.
Stop comparing yourself to others
Feeling miserable because you're living in a small apartment with pizza for breakfast, lunch and dinner, while that rich man on the internet is living the life with a nice house and eating a $100 meal? If you're going to compare, try comparing yourself to a beggar with no food, no home, no legs.
Look at what you have and not what you don't have. Maybe this might also motivate you to help others.
Take a break
Just like your phone, you need to recharge when you're feeling low. Call your boss, tell him you need to recharge, if he really needs you, ask him if you can work from home for the moment. Besides, how productive will you be if you're on low batteries.
Go on a vacation
Go some place different, a nice beach in the Philippines, the mountains, or Machu Picchu in Peru. The world is for you to see, don't get stuck in a cubicle. After the vacation you'll feel inspired, renewed and you might have the answers to your question "what's next?" It could be the decision to move on to a different career. Or simply the motivation to continue.
Read a book
Before you go to bed, prepare for the next day by reading a book. I suggest one that is inspirational, motivating; or any book that teaches you a new skill for your next Project.
How about you? what would you do?
When did life become a routine?
Who were you kidding?
What was that about changing the world?
What about that dream?
That goal you had in mind?
How about the task you were suppose to do today?
Have you ever had those days?
In simple words, today you just don't feel like doing anything.
Everyone feels this way at some point in their lives, life became a routine, your dreams are dying, you're feeling lazy, you want change, you're tired, you want out. But the question remains;
What should I do next?
Remind yourself who you're doing this for
Why are you waking up every morning to get ready for work? is it for your kids? a promotion?
It's easy to forget why we do the things we do when life suddenly becomes a routine. A simple reminder why you started in the first place might get you back on track.
Do something different
Life has become a routine, to break a routine you must do something different. Try starting your day with exercise. Jog outside or do 100 push ups. After accomplishing a workout first thing in the morning, you're now ready to accomplish more tasks for the day.
Stop comparing yourself to others
Feeling miserable because you're living in a small apartment with pizza for breakfast, lunch and dinner, while that rich man on the internet is living the life with a nice house and eating a $100 meal? If you're going to compare, try comparing yourself to a beggar with no food, no home, no legs.
Look at what you have and not what you don't have. Maybe this might also motivate you to help others.
Take a break
Just like your phone, you need to recharge when you're feeling low. Call your boss, tell him you need to recharge, if he really needs you, ask him if you can work from home for the moment. Besides, how productive will you be if you're on low batteries.
Go on a vacation
Go some place different, a nice beach in the Philippines, the mountains, or Machu Picchu in Peru. The world is for you to see, don't get stuck in a cubicle. After the vacation you'll feel inspired, renewed and you might have the answers to your question "what's next?" It could be the decision to move on to a different career. Or simply the motivation to continue.
Read a book
Before you go to bed, prepare for the next day by reading a book. I suggest one that is inspirational, motivating; or any book that teaches you a new skill for your next Project.
How about you? what would you do?
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Positive Thinking #success #productivity #positivity
Your thoughts have a direct impact on your emotions. Your emotions determine your well being. Your emotions determine whether you are happy or unhappy. Your thoughts determine whether you feel good about yourself, others and the world.
The people you think about become the most important people in your life. The events or things you think about become the most important events and things in your life. So, if these people, events or things make you feel unhappy, angry, hateful, worried or agitated, they are negative. If they make you feel happy, balanced and good, they are positive.
You can control your thoughts. To control your thoughts, you must assert control over your thoughts and your beliefs. You must adopt open and positive beliefs. Open and positive beliefs lead to positive thoughts. Negative and rigid beliefs lead to negative thoughts.
You can change your beliefs and thoughts through application of your conscious will and intent to the task. As you consciously adopt positive and open beliefs and change your thoughts from negative to positive, you will feel more positive, balanced and happy.
Negative thoughts are thoughts that generate anger, fear, hate and jealousy. These emotions felt on an on an ongoing basis and related ongoing thoughts, lead to depression and anxiety. They also will drain your energy, the energy you need for life and happiness.
Positive thoughts are thoughts that do not generate negative emotions such as anger, fear, worry, jealousy or hate. Positive thoughts are also thoughts that make you feel happy and good about your self, others and the world. They are thoughts that make you feel balanced and peaceful.
To change your thoughts, emotions and thought patterns, you must be mindful of your thoughts and emotions. This is called mindfulness. Mindfulness requires that you monitor and observe your thoughts, thought patterns, self-talk and emotions. Then, you consciously apply your intent and will and change them from negative to positive, from being absorbed in thoughts and self-talk to being in your heart, senses and in the moment.
Positive thoughts require open beliefs and an open mind. This requires you to let go of rigid and narrow beliefs and change them to positive and open. You then use your mind more for observation and tasks and less about judging and analyzing people. Positive thinking requires you to forgive self and others and to let go of past wrongs and the grip of past traumas and injuries. Positive thoughts require you to adopt positive beliefs about yourself and the world. This may be difficult especially if your life experiences and authority figures in your life taught you otherwise. But, there are many ways to look at yourself and others. Begin to look at "failure" and "injuries" as lessons and nothing more. Then let go of them. This is important for positive thinking.
Rigid beliefs lead to negative thoughts. This is because rigid beliefs lead to opinion and judgment thoughts. This is especially true with respect to rigid opinions and beliefs about self and others. Opinion and judgment thoughts lead to negative emotions because they empower ego and a feeling of superiority. This ultimately leads to angry and even hateful thoughts. These thoughts may lead to angry and hateful acts and speech, which brings in a lot of negativity. So, for positive thoughts and positive thought patterns, it is essential to open your mind, let go of negative and rigid beliefs and stop ongoing opinion/judgment thoughts. Become more of an observer and suspend judgment and opinion to the extent possible.
Go with the flow. Avoid clash of wills and conflict. This leads to negative thoughts and negative thought patterns. Accept others for what and who they are and what they believe. Do not try to change them. Your efforts to change others will lead to negative thoughts. The only person you can change is yourself. So, focus your efforts on that task.
The conscious mind is affected by subconscious beliefs. So, for positive thinking and positive thought patterns, it is essential to change your deeply held beliefs from "negative and rigid" to "positive and open/flexible." Likewise, it is essential for you to adopt positive and kind beliefs about yourself and purge conscious and subconscious memories of the painful past and past injuries. This will quiet the negative and critical inner voice and replace it with a kind and positive inner voice.
In order to change beliefs and open your mind, do the meditation and visualization exercises and positive affirmations described below.
Positive thinking requires you to open your heart and fill yourself with unconditional love. This leads to an ongoing feeling of inner peace and happiness. It is difficult to have positive thoughts when you feel bad. So, it is important to cultivate ongoing feelings of peace and happiness. This is done by the meditation and visualization exercises described below and by purging negative emotions you may be holding onto - i.e., anger, fear, anxiety, sadness and guilt. For positive thinking, it is important to purge stored negative emotions and to forgive and let go.
Thoughts that make you feel agitated, angry, afraid, depressed, hateful or jealous are negative thoughts. If you feel agitated, then change your thoughts. Otherwise, stop your thoughts altogether and be in the moment. When you experience life in the moment, you will stop negative thoughts. When you experience life through your senses and not through your thoughts, you will be more happy, balanced and peaceful.
Positive thoughts are thoughts that are focused on positive and productive activities such as work, errands, studies and enjoyable events. They are thoughts that are focused on the details of process. They are thoughts that are focused on the moment and not on the past or future. They are thoughts about loved ones, friends, pets and things that that make you happy.
Negative thoughts are often thoughts that are focused on the painful past, the anxious future or the people who hurt you. These negative thoughts crowd out positive thoughts and build up storeed negative emotions. This stored negativity is toxic and generates more negative thoughts.
Positive thoughts are focused thoughts. Negative thoughts tend to be unfocused thoughts. Negative thoughts tend to come from the side and back of the head. Positive thoughts come from the middle of the forehead. Thoughts become unfocused and then go negative if we do not control them. Unfocused thoughts often lead to a negative inner voice. This negative inner voice is often critical and judgmental toward self and others.
Positive thoughts are focused thoughts related to details, specifics and processes. They are not thoughts about results or somewhere else. They are focused on positive and productive endeavors and activities in the here and now- work, hobbies, errands, celebrations, vacations, etc. They are not thoughts about "what if" scenarios and future possibilities. They are not thoughts about revenge or getting even.
Positive thoughts are focused, centered and balanced thoughts. They are thoughts focused on the moment and on task. Of course, they can be focused on plans. But, this focus would be on composing and implementing plans. This focus would be on the details and specifics of plans. Positive thinking includes thoughts related to the development and execution of plans related to work, errands, hobbies, vacations and celebrations.
Negative thoughts are ego-oriented thoughts. The ego-oriented thoughts that are negative are self -oriented thoughts that make you feel unhappy or bad. These include thoughts that judge self or others, thoughts that make you feel like a victim, feel self pity, feel fear or feel anger or hate. They include thoughts about controlling, hurting or deceiving others. To be a positive thinker one must elevate soul over ego in governance of self. Meditation and visualization will help achieve this. This will subdue ego and at the same time it will subdue negative thoughts, negative thought patterns and a negative inner voice.
To have positive thoughts, positive thought patterns and a positive inner voice, you need to assert control of your thoughts through application of your will. The locus of your will is the middle of your forehead. The middle of you forehead is the place where you focus your thoughts. The middle of your forehead is the place where you control your thoughts. Focus on the positive and still the inner voice. This requires meditaiton and visualization exercises.
Of course, you will have negative thoughts and emotions from time to time. Positive thinking helps you reduce them and teaches you to not hold onto them. Do not suppress negative thoughts and emotions. When they occur, acknowledge them and understand what they are telling you about yourself and others. They often tell you what and who irritates you, what and who to avoid and what you need to deal with. The negative often leads us to the positive. From the negative, you can develop and execute plans to deal with situations and move toward a positive outcome.
As mentioned above, what and who you focus on become the most important people and things in your life. So, make positive people, images and things the objects of your thoughts. Your thoughts determine your emotional state. You have the power to control and focus your thoughts and, thereby, achieve a positive and happy emotional state. But, you need the will and the tools to make it happen
Here are some tools:
Distract and substitute
When negative thoughts come in, distract and substitute. Your mind can only focus on one thing at a time. When it comes to negative thoughts, work with Substitution and Distraction. Substitution - Substitute positive thoughts and images for negative ones. Switch to thoughts about or images of positive, happy and loving people in your life. Alternatively, focus on pets or scenes that make you feel positive and happy. Focus only on your breaths or count to yourself and focus solely on counting. Do this until the negative thoughts melt away.
Distraction - Distract yourself by bringing your mind back to the moment - i.e., substantive aspects of work, process and details of things we encounter in the moment. Focus on the moment with full attention and awareness. Do not analyze or judge. Do not focus on results. Do not focus on the past or future. Stay in the moment. Observe and focus on details, process and substance. When in the moment, do not let thoughts take you somewhere else, whether it is the past, the future or another place. Each time they do, re-focus on what we are doing and where you are in the moment. Do not let thoughts rob you of the precious moments of life.
When negative thoughts come in, do the following when negative thoughts come in: smile, close your eyes and do some deep breathing exercises. Breathe deeply into your heart or abdomen and focus only on your breath. Alternatively, stop thinking altogether. Put your hand over your heart and shift your energy there. Now, just be in the moment. Fully experience the moment in your body center and your senses and not in your thoughts. Become an observer. Suspend judgment or analysis of what you encounter in the moment. Just encounter it.
Distract the negative thoughts with music, prayer and mantras. Focus on lyrics, prayers and words. By focusing on music prayer and mantras, your mind will not be able to focus on the negative thoughts. Focus on others who you encounter with some positive words and conversation, some kind words and acts.
Instead of thinking about someone who hurt you or someone you do not like, substitute positive thoughts and images of people or pets you love, who are happy and make you happy. If you are thinking about a negative and painful event or place, then substitute images of beautiful places and happy memories. Smile and hold these positive thoughts and images for awhile. Alternatively, call a friend or family member and chat with them. Fully engage with people and pets. Get into nature and breathe nature deeply into your lungs, smile and enjoy the beauty of nature. Smile gently. Life is good.
Center, ground and focus
Sit comfortably. Focus on an object or symbol with your eyes open. Now, close your eyes and visualize that symbol in the middle of the inner screen in your forehead. Whenever a thought comes into your head, re-focus more intensely on the object or symbol. Negative thoughts and a negative inner voice come from the back and sides of the head. This exercise helps you develop focus.
Focus comes from the middle of your forehead. The middle of your forehead is the seat of your will and intent. Positive thoughts are focused thoughts. They are thoughts related to the details of positive things such as errands, work, studies and process. Through centering, grounding and focus, you can stop the negative inner voice and negative thoughts,.worried and angry thoughts and critical and judgmental thoughts about self and others. Through centering, grounding and focus, you can stop obsessive thoughts and ruminations. Distract and substitute or go to no thoughts. To do this, we must build up our abilities to be mindful and our will intent. We can then apply our will and intent to control our thoughts and to shift from negative to positive.
For grounding, sit comfortably with your eyes closed and your feet firmly planted on the ground. Take off your shoes. Visualize that roots or laser beams shoot out from your feet and into the earth, going all the way to the center of the earth. Visualize that they anchor you firmly to the earth. Now, with your eyes closed, focus your attention on the middle of your forehead and sit straight. Posture is important. Negative thoughts and a negative inner voice come in when we are un-focused and slouching. So, when you walk or sit hold yourself erect and center yourself in the middle of your forehead and in your heart or body center.
Visualize a big white sun where your heart is located. Close your eyes and put your hand over your heart and shift your consciousness and energy to that spot. Alternatively, visualize an orb of white light above your head and below your feet and visualize that a beam of white light shoots out from the orbs and the light beams meet at the center of your body. With respect to centering in the middle of your forehead, put your fingers on your forehead and shift your energy and consciousness there. Center and focus. To fortify your ability to center and focus, do directed or seed mediation set forth above.
Negative thoughts and a negative inner voice come from the sides and back of the head. Therefore, centering your energy and consciousness in the middle of your forehead is important to still the negative thoughts and negative inner voice. Be mindful of negative thoughts and a negative inner voice. When they come, switch to positive thoughts and images, positive affirmations, deep breathing exercises, centering yourself and staying focused in the moment. Live in the moment and your senses and not in your thoughts. Thoughts tend to always go negative when we live in them. Stop angry thoughts about the painful past or worried thoughts about the future especially. Just Be.
Positive Affirmations, Higher Self and Inner Child Meditation/visualizations
Negative thoughts come from rigid, narrow and negative beliefs. These beliefs lead to negative thoughts and emotions. They lead to agitation and conflict, because we live in a world of infinite possibilities and explanations. So, negative and rigid beliefs lead us to take hard positions, which often conflict with reality and the opinions of others.
Positive thoughts come from positive beliefs and an open mind and heart. A positive inner voice will come when you cultivate inner peace, kindness, patience and happiness. Positive thinking requires us to love and honor ourselves and others and be kind to ourselves and others. This requires us to get rid of the judgmental and critical inner voice.
To cultivate a kind and positive inner voice, we need to stop beating ourselves up about the past. We need to let go of the painful past. The past is over and cannot be changed. To cultivate a kind and positive inner voice, we can change the future by changing ourselves in the now. This requires us to forgive ourselves and others for the past and let go of and detach from the past. We do this so we can move forward in a positive and happy state of mind.
An important aspect of positive thinking is to develop positive beliefs about ourselves. Positive affirmations are an essential way to do this. Positive affirmations include the words "I am" and an adjective. For example, we say over and over to ourselves "I am happy, peaceful and serene. I am love, loved and lovable. I am perfect just the way I am." There are many other positive affirmations. See YouTube for positive affirmation exercises.
Higher self and inner child visualization and meditation exercises will help build up your inner power, self confidence, self esteem and happiness. This is important to do to achieve a positive inner voice.
To do this, you must connect and integrate with your higher self (i.e., your soul) and inner child. Your higher self/soul is all loving, happy, holy and peaceful. Your inner child is full of happiness, wonder, energy and fun. When we are fully connected to and integrated with our higher self and inner child, we feel happy, peaceful, complete and confident. We have high self esteem, a lot of energy and we enjoy life.
In meditation, visualize a pure white angel that looks just like you (but is happy, peaceful and full of love and white light). See an energy cord connect you to that angel from your heart. Visualize that angel (your higher self) now merge with you. Visualize you as a child playing and having fun. See an energy cord connect you to that child from your heart. Visualize that child (your inner child) now merge with you. Visualize that you hug that child and tell him or her that he or she is safe and to just have fun. Take a pillow and visualize that pillow is you as a child and hug it. Tell the inner child you love him or her. Now, become the loving inner parent to our inner child. Indulge your inner child everyday by allowing yourself to have fun and do things that make you happy.
Heart-Melt Exercise
Negative thoughts, negative thought patters and a negative inner voice come from past traumas and stress that we hold onto. Traumas and stress often cause a hard energetic shell to form around the heart (or heart chakra). This is done to protect us from ongoing emotional injury in a "cruel world." This then empowers our ego to govern self, leading to negativity. For positive thinking, we must melt this hard energetic shell around the heart. In meditation, close your eyes and visualize a hard gray shell around your heart. Visualize a white light orb above or in front of you. Visualize that this white light orb shoots out laser beams that blast the hard gray shell around your heart. Visualize the hard shell melt and your heart become pink, open, soft and vital.
Now do some white light meditation to restore your connection with soul and spirit. Sit comfortably or lie down. Close your eyes and focus on your breath. Get relaxed. Visualize a bright white sun where your heart is and later visualize this bright white sun in front of you. Visualize that this bright white sun radiates bright white light in your entire body and head. Visualize that the white light fills up your entire body and head and creates an intact white aura all around you.
Clasp your hands together and visualize this white light goes out three to six inches to a foot from you. Now hold the visualized white light there with the intention of raising your vibrations. Visualized white light cleanses and heals the energy body and raises one's vibrations. Take a few seconds each day to visualize that you are filled up with white light and that an intact shell of white light surrounds you. This will help protect you from negative energy.
Over time, these exercises will work to connect you with soul and spirit. This will enable you to cultivate an ongoing feeling of love/peace, happiness and joy. This state of being will automatically cause your ego to be subordinated to your soul in governance of self. The result will be more positive thoughts. You will then substitute inner power, high self confidence and high self esteem for ego.
Meditation/visualizations to get rid of negativity:
Negative thoughts, negative thought patters and a negative inner voice often come from negative energy that is stored in us at the cellular level. This stored negative energy often comes from stress and trauma from the past, especially from childhood. We hold onto these negative and painful events at the cellular level, in the subconscious mind. They are often responsible for changing our beliefs from (a) fluid, open and positive to (b) negative and rigid. Because of traumas and stress (especially childhood ones), we harden our hearts and believe the world is a dangerous place. Our ego and ego-centric thoughts step up to protect us. Instead, they only bring us negativity and unhappiness.
So, we must burn off the negative energy that holds these painful memories at the cellular level and in the subconscious mind. A good way to do this is to raise your body's vibrations through the violet flame exercise. Sit comfortably. Close your eyes and focus on your breath. Get relaxed. Hold your hands open in a position of receiving from the Universe. Visualize a violet flame in front of you, like a campfire flame. Invite that flame into your body and feel it fill your body up from your belly to your throat. Feel it raise your vibrations as it burns off low vibration negative energy in you. Put citrine (high vibration crystal) over your heart or hold citrine in your left hand when you do this exercise. Citrine will help raise your vibrations. This will help burn off subconscious memories. So, you do not even have to bring these memories to the surface to get rid of their negative effect on you.
Here is an exercise to get rid of stored anger, fear, anxiety and painful and negative memories: Visualize the image of the painful event from the past or the image that worries you about the future. Close your eyes and visualize this image in a glass ball that hovers a few feet in front of you. Put your hands on this visualized ball and push it with force deep into the ground. Hear and feel the energy cords that attach you to the image snap and fall away. Do this over and over until the image no longer has an energetic grip on you and all related anger and fear melt away. As you push the ball deep into the ground say the following to yourself: "Into the ground, into the core go away, melt away, gone. Visualize a bright white sun where your heart is and later visualize this bright white sun in front of you. Visualize that this bright white sun radiates bright white light in your entire body and head. Visualize that the white light fills up your entire body and head and creates an intact white aura all around you.
Clasp your hands together and visualize that your heart is a sun of white light. Visualize that you send white light from your heart through your body Visualize that this white light goes out three to six inches to a foot from you. Now hold the visualized white light there with the intention of raising your vibrations. Visualized white light cleanses and heals the energy body and raises one's vibrations. This will help burn off stored negative energy.
Alpha, Beta, Delta and Theta Brain Wave Entrainment
These exercises can be found on YouTube. They provide sound therapy that will help bring brain waves and brain chemistry back to normal. This will help when it comes to positive thinking.
Cutting Energy Cords
The ego spins out energy attachments to people, things, substances and beliefs to fill a void. These energy attachments lead to unbalanced thoughts, obsessions, ruminations, lusts and addictions. As we build up the white light within and connect and integrate with higher self and inner child, the void disappears and we will not spin out these energy cords very much. In order to substantially reduce ruminations and obsessions and establish balance, it is important to cut energy cords. Energy cords should be cut with anyone or anything you have obsessive and ruminating thoughts about or ongoing negative thoughts about. This will help you achieve positive thinking and maintain inner peace, happiness and balance. So, to cut energy cords, do the following: Sit down and close your eyes. Visualize the energy cords that attach you to people, things, substances, ideas and beliefs that cause unbalanced or obsessive thoughts and addictions. Visualize them as cords connected to your heart and torso. With your weak hand visualize that you grab the cords. Then with your strong hand visualize that you cut them and sever them from you with a visualized knife or scissors. Visualize that the energy cords fall away.
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This May Be The Only Thing Limiting Your Success...
The happiest, most successful people in the world start their day with an empowering morning routine. Learn how to tap into the same power:
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