Inspiration to help YOU get the most out of your life & be the Master of your own Destiny!
Saturday 30 April 2016
How to Stop Procrastinating With the One Minute Rule #productivity
Procrastination is a problem which I face, sadly I have to say, almost every day.
A month ago I decided that I would begin exercising regularly. But this time for real. No excuses.
I have to tell you that I was on my bicycle for 20 minutes and then doing other floor exercise for 10 minutes this morning. Quite a bit of progress, right?
How did I do it?
It's very simple. I used the "one minute rule". And the beauty of this method is, that you can use it for any task.
Stop procrastinating in one minute
Use the momentum of the initial motivation for scene setup
Initial motivation gives you an almost euphoric feeling. Use its' momentum for preparing your environment. You need to make the space where you live a constant reminder of your newly decision. Have it be almost impossible to ignore by setting things in your path.
Having to step over the fitness bag when you walk out of your room is a good reminder that your plan was to exercise.
What did I do?
I moved my stationary bike, which has long been just gathering dust, into the living room where my computer is and where I spend a lot of my time. It's placed in a way so it's impossible for me to sit down by my computer without bumping into it.
Set your goal
Aim for something along the lines of this (it's my goal): in the next 30 days I'll ride my bike every morning. I will have no excuse whatsoever to do it, even if it's just for a minute.
One minute is nothing, I thought, when I set my goal. It's just a bit more than a blink of an eye. If I cannot devote one minute per every day to cycling, then my character really lost its' value.
When you set your goal and you feel that 30 days is too long a period for you, start with 7 days, or 14 days.
If you're introducing a new habit, 21 days should be a minimum. If you're just trying to start on a task you've been procrastinating for a very long time, then lesser commitment might suffice. But don't set your goal for less than 7 days.
Use the one minute strategy
After you set your goal use the "one minute rule" every day.
How did the "one minute rule" work for me?
Day 1
I prepared my environment, like described above. I made the decision to sat on it and turn the pedals for at least a minute every day. One minute is almost no time at all. But after my car accident almost two years ago and the pain I still feel in my left foot has kept me from exercising for way too long. I felt repelled by only thinking about exercising.
One minute dragged on as if it was an hour long. Seconds on the timer ticked away soooo slowly. Bit I persisted. One minute is nothing, one minute is nothing, one minute is nothing. That was my mantra.
Day 2
The minute on the bike was almost the same as on my first day, but I persisted. Probably I was still driven by my initial motivation. Or maybe it was my stubborn nature, a personality trait which I'm sometimes very proud that I have it.
Day 3
The pain or being on a bike lessened a bit, but when the timer reached 1:00, I almost jumped off of it.
Day 4
On the fourth day I was on my bike for a few seconds longer than one minute. And to tell you the truth, I began to feel stupid to ride the bike for only a minute.
Day 5
I must had felt stupid enough to myself and pedaled for 5 minutes. And after that I stretched for maybe a minute.
Not a great achievement, I know. It's not like I ran the marathon, but I felt a bit of pride. I was doing something after all.
Day 6
I actually spent 7 minutes on my bike while I watched a short motivational video. Time passed by quickly. That's what happens if you distract your mind with something pleasant while you're doing something useful, you don't like to do.
The day that followed I moved on to longer informative and motivational videos that I like to watch in the morning. That gradually extended my workout. Now I exercise a total of half an hour per day. At least. Sometimes, it's even more.
I might have actually developed a habit.
After I managed to establish this new habit, I came across an interesting article describing the same thing from James Clear, except he talks about "Two minute rule". The following part is inspired by his work.
The logic behind the "one minute rule"
The strategy, which I call the "one minute rule", is meant to help you, when you want to start doing something that you know you should be doing.
Most of the things you procrastinate are not difficult tasks at all. In all probability you already have all the knowledge and skills you need to finish the tasks. The only problem is that you're avoiding doing it for one reason or another.
The "one minute rule" will help you overcome procrastination and laziness, because it really is very simple. It is hard to say no to just a minute of your time.
The one minute rule has two parts:
Part 1: If it will take one minute or less to finish the task then do it right away
It is amazing how many tasks we procrastinate, but it would only require us one minute or even less to do. For example, place the dirty glass and dishes directly in the dishwasher, put laundry directly into the washing machine when you take them off, clean up the mess, send an email and so on.
If the task requires less than one minute to do, do it immediately.
Part 2: When you're starting a new habit, the initial tasks should only last one minute
Can you reach all your goals in less than one minute? Almost certainly not. However, the path to each goal can be started in less than one minute. And this is the purpose of this rule.
Does this strategy sound too simple for your specific life goal? Let me tell you. It is not. It works for any goal that you set. And there's only one reason for it: Physics of life.
Physics of life
A long time ago Sir Isaac Newton taught us about the laws of physics. Just to refresh your memory. Objects that are not moving, tend to stay motionless. Objects that are moving, tend to stay in motion.
As well as for apples, this is true for humans. "one minute rule" works. You can achieve any big or small goal with it. After you start with the action that is necessary to achieve the goal, it's quite easy to continue with it.
I just love my "one minute rule" because of the idea it represents. It's a promise that everything is possible. Anything is possible, as long as you start working on it. Getting started is the hardest. Using the "one minute rule" makes it simple. And once we start the movement, it's easier to continue doing it.
Do you want to become a writer?
Use the "one minute rule" to write a single sentence, and you will often find yourself writing for an hour.
Make your beginning easy. The goal is to write a single sentence. And then is "it pulls you in" just keep on writing.
Would you like to develop reading habit?
Read only the first page of the book ("one minute rule") and before you realize it, you'll already be reading the third chapter.
You want to run three times a week?
Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday all you need to do is put on your jogging sneakers and walk through the door ("one minute rule"). It is very likely that you will have enough inspiration to follow though. Before you know it you'll be leaving miles and miles behind you.
Starting is the most important part of creating a new habit. You will most likely have to take the effort to push yourself, to use the "One minute rule" more than just the first time, before you make a habit out of it. With forming new habits it is not the performance that matters, but the act of doing it alone. Consistently taking the action. Every day.
In many cases, starting is the most important thing. It might lead to a successful task completion or not. As long as you do it. Consistently, every day. And this is especially true in the beginning, because later on you will have plenty of time to modify your performance, once your habit is formed.
The point of the "one minute rule" is not in the result of the action you take, but rather in taking the action at all.
Try it now
I cannot guarantee that the "One minute rule" will work for you, but I can assure you that you will never know, if you don't try.
I notice that many people study, read, watch educational videos, listen to audio clips of various trainings, but never test what they learned (myself not excluded).
I want this piece of information to be different for you. I want you to take advantage of information you just got from me. Right now.
Think about what task you're procrastinating can be done in less than one minute? Do it right now. No excuses, everyone can miss 60 seconds. Everyone. Use this time to do something useful.
Ready, Set, Go!
To find out how having a good morning ritual can help you get things done, take a look at
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Thursday 28 April 2016
Wednesday 27 April 2016
Four Life Questions You Need to Ask Yourself #personaldevelopment
With time, healing, accepting responsibility for our lives and with the grace and wisdom that comes from maturing there comes a time that each of us must ask and seek answers to four basic questions:
1. Who am I? This is the basic question that asks us to look beyond our physicality and ego and find who we really are at our core being. When we have found the answer to this question it changes everything. When we are not sure of who we are, we live life questioning and guessing where to go and what to do. But once we are sure of our own nature, assisted by reliable inner guidance we live our lives from a place of confidence. We are able to find comfort in our own being and live from that place.
2. What do I love? It is so necessary to feel and identify those experiences that cause us to be expanded by the emotion of love. What we love has the ability to draw us forward and shape our life and destiny. Our love teaches us what to look for, where to aim, where to walk. With our every action, word, relationship and commitment, we slowly and inevitably become what we love. So it becomes vitally important to learn to know what we truly love - not what we are supposed to love, but to discern and choose those things we truly love. Then to involve what we love more fully in our daily lives.
3. How shall I live knowing that I will die? The reality that our time incarnate is limited and when it will end is not know can be the impetus for how we choose to live. A clear perception of our death forces us to consider our life as something worth living; gives us the wisdom to make the most of whatever time we do have. Life is impermanent and it is precisely because of its impermanence that we value life so dearly. When we awake to our own mortality then we begin to appreciate that we are alive. From this awareness can spring the determination not to waste what precious time we are given and to focus on making something meaningful of our lives.
4. What is my gift to the family of Earth? We each come into this world with gifts, talents and inherent visible aspects of our soul personality and energy. Every day we are given countless opportunities to offer our gifts to those at our work, in our families and in our relationships. To recognize that we have gifts and own the responsibility to share these gifts with others is a part of our life journey. Identifying what our soul wants to give to others and then be courageous enough to open and share is our gift both to others and to ourselves.
Quoting the Dalai Lama - "We are visitors on this planet. We are here for ninety, a hundred years at the very most. During that period we must try to do something good, something useful with our lives. Try to be at peace with yourself and help others share that peace. If you contribute to other people's happiness, you will find the true goal, the meaning of life."
If you have not yet answered these four questions for your life, then doing so may bring wisdom to your journey and richness to the time you remain here.
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1. Who am I? This is the basic question that asks us to look beyond our physicality and ego and find who we really are at our core being. When we have found the answer to this question it changes everything. When we are not sure of who we are, we live life questioning and guessing where to go and what to do. But once we are sure of our own nature, assisted by reliable inner guidance we live our lives from a place of confidence. We are able to find comfort in our own being and live from that place.
2. What do I love? It is so necessary to feel and identify those experiences that cause us to be expanded by the emotion of love. What we love has the ability to draw us forward and shape our life and destiny. Our love teaches us what to look for, where to aim, where to walk. With our every action, word, relationship and commitment, we slowly and inevitably become what we love. So it becomes vitally important to learn to know what we truly love - not what we are supposed to love, but to discern and choose those things we truly love. Then to involve what we love more fully in our daily lives.
3. How shall I live knowing that I will die? The reality that our time incarnate is limited and when it will end is not know can be the impetus for how we choose to live. A clear perception of our death forces us to consider our life as something worth living; gives us the wisdom to make the most of whatever time we do have. Life is impermanent and it is precisely because of its impermanence that we value life so dearly. When we awake to our own mortality then we begin to appreciate that we are alive. From this awareness can spring the determination not to waste what precious time we are given and to focus on making something meaningful of our lives.
4. What is my gift to the family of Earth? We each come into this world with gifts, talents and inherent visible aspects of our soul personality and energy. Every day we are given countless opportunities to offer our gifts to those at our work, in our families and in our relationships. To recognize that we have gifts and own the responsibility to share these gifts with others is a part of our life journey. Identifying what our soul wants to give to others and then be courageous enough to open and share is our gift both to others and to ourselves.
Quoting the Dalai Lama - "We are visitors on this planet. We are here for ninety, a hundred years at the very most. During that period we must try to do something good, something useful with our lives. Try to be at peace with yourself and help others share that peace. If you contribute to other people's happiness, you will find the true goal, the meaning of life."
If you have not yet answered these four questions for your life, then doing so may bring wisdom to your journey and richness to the time you remain here.
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Tuesday 26 April 2016
Glass Half Empty? Be Glad You Have A Glass! #abundance
I have a dear friend who years ago gifted me a small piece of rose quartz with the word abundance carved into it. As she gave it to me she said that she was giving it to me not to draw abundance into my life, but rather that I would see the abundance that already existed in my life. Wise friend.
There are many ways to count the abundance in our lives. In our culture, too often we count our abundance and success by how much money we make and the volume or our material possessions. In reality abundance is not something that we acquire, it is something we tune into. It is not what we have, but what brings us joy that truly constitutes our abundance. So, abundance is about being rich, with or without having money. Riches that are not from an abundance of worldly goods, but rather from a contented mind and full, joyful heart.
When I was much younger, we were rather materially poor and it was during these years of limited financial income that I was gifted the lessons that showed me that it doesn't require money to be rich. It requires an appreciation of what you already have. So many of the things that bring abundance into our lives are about gifts and experiences that touch our hearts.
If we stop counting our level of abundance in the physical, material form and look for the things that make us truly happy, peaceful, contented, supported and loved we will likely all find that our lives are indeed richly abundant.
It is important to remember that the Universe operates through dynamic exchange - that giving and receiving are different aspects of the flow of energy in the universe. So we must learn to value, appreciate and be grateful for what we have before we can expect to receive more. We also need to have a willingness to give and share in order in turn to receive. This is the energy cycle that continually creates abundance in our lives. Giving and gratitude are the doorway to abundance. Your most precious, valued possessions and your greatest powers are invisible and intangible. No one can take them from you - and you, and you alone can give them and you will always receive heart felt abundance for your giving.
Recognizing the abundance in our lives requires turning off the never satisfied, chatter box, ego-centric "monkey mind" and tuning into the wisdom of our heart and soul. The world is full of abundance and opportunity - our lives, no matter the course they have taken have provided rich experiences - a veritable bounty of life lessons. It may not be as important to recognize that the glass is half full or half empty - but to be grateful that we actually have a glass.
Whatever we need the most and always seem to be waiting for - whether it be peace of mind, contentment, grace, the inner awareness of simple abundance - it will surely come to us, but only when we are ready to receive it with an open and grateful heart.
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Monday 25 April 2016
Sunday 24 April 2016
Saturday 23 April 2016
Friday 22 April 2016
Thursday 21 April 2016
Wednesday 20 April 2016
Tuesday 19 April 2016
Ultimate Confidence Breakthrough Step 2 - How To 10x Your Power - Dr Aziz
Read more from Dr Aziz here:
Monday 18 April 2016
Sunday 17 April 2016
Saturday 16 April 2016
Friday 15 April 2016
Thursday 14 April 2016
How to Set and Achieve any Goal you Have in Your Life - Part 2 - John Assaraf
Read more about John and his techniques here:
Wednesday 13 April 2016
How to Set & Achieve any Goal you Have in Your Life - John Assaraf
Read more about John and his techniques here:
Tuesday 12 April 2016
Monday 11 April 2016
Sunday 10 April 2016
Saturday 9 April 2016
Thursday 7 April 2016
Wednesday 6 April 2016
Tuesday 5 April 2016
How To Stop Being Used - Robin Sharma
Read more from the amazing, honest & inspiring Robin Sharma here:
Sunday 3 April 2016
Saturday 2 April 2016
Friday 1 April 2016
7 Things to Start Doing Today to Be Happy
1. Decide to be happy
Make a decision today to be happy. Then start doing things that will make you happy.
Stop settling for what others expect of you and start going after what really matters to you.
Have the tenacity to get over fear barrier and really chase after those things that matter to you.
Most of all, don't just decide. Really decide. You'll know it when you feel it in your guts. You've made decisions like this before, where you will do whatever it takes to make things happen because you're committed and able.
Decide. It really is as simple as that.
2. Practice affirmations daily
What's the difference between an affirmation and the negative talk that goes on in your mind constantly? Nothing.
Affirmations are no different than the negative thought patterns that pop up whenever you're about to do something that scares you and excites you.
So, start off small, with just one affirmation. Recite it at least a hundred times a day for the next week, until you start to reflexively say it in your mind whenever something comes up that would have normally had you going to negative thoughts.
Most of all, make sure that you're at least slightly emotionally invested in your affirmations. You'll have to feel good about it in order for this affirmation to become your new paradigm. You might even find yourself in disbelief the first few days or weeks that you start reciting it.
As long as you can get to the point where you start believing it and start feeling good about it, you're on the right path.
3. Practice gratitude daily
Start being grateful for what you have rather than what you lack. When you practice gratitude, you put your mind in a different vibration.
Gratitude reframes our mind and starts helping us see what's possible and what's abundant rather than what's impossible and scarce.
Most of all, even practice gratitude for the things that you do not have but want. When you start thinking on this wavelength, invariably your mind will start coming up with creative ways to help you get what you really want.
4. Meditate daily
I have to admit that affirmations are hard when you are first starting out. A big part of the challenge is just generally lack of belief and investment. Being in a positive frame of mind is such a shift when you have been living a life of lack and scarcity your entire life. So, it does take quite a while for your affirmations to take hold.
You, however, can help yourself along by practicing meditation. Meditation not only sharpens your focus, it also quiets the mind and helps you to become impartial and non-judgmental to the random thoughts that enter your mind. I've heard somewhere that we have about 30,000 to 50,000 thoughts a day! Imagine trying to control it all.
Here's something that will surprise you about these thoughts: Many of them occur at the unconscious level! By being able to dismiss these thoughts without judgement, you stop feeling bad about things.
5. Stop blaming other people and start being more proactive
Successful and happy people learned a long time ago that ultimately the only person that they can blame and subsequently change are themselves.
Everything they have in their lives is a result of themselves, both the good and the bad. When you realize that you yourself are ultimately the only one to blame for your circumstances, you also realize that you alone have the power to change those circumstances.
There's another word for blaming other people and the environment for your problems: It's called the victim mentality.
And here's something that will shock you about victim mentality. It comes fundamentally from poor self-esteem and self-hatred.
6. Make time for yourself
While life is best lived in the service towards others, you have to ultimately make time for yourself. You have to eventually face the music.
By making time for yourself, you learn more about yourself. Do things that make you happy. Work on your affirmations. Daily, write out ten things for which you are grateful. Meditate to help you focus and be more successful in reciting your affirmations.
7. Start a Journal of Healing
When you have time to yourself, consider writing into a Journal of Healing. Simply put, you write down the things that are bugging you.
When you are able to concisely and clearly put your thoughts into words, you can exactly define what's bugging you.
After you've ranted and vented, start another section in your journal called Healing. In this section, discuss some of the things you can do to start the healing process. It could be to verbalize your problems, think of how different people perceive the problem and potential solutions, talk to a friend, just write more later to vent (believe it or not, this one actually helps over time in helping you to let go), or perhaps go hiking or do something physical to help you take your mind off these thoughts.
So, start doing these 7 things today to be happy. First, make the decision - really make the decision - to be happy. When you feel it in your guts, you know that you have really decided. Next, practice affirmations and gratitude daily. If you need to, write down your affirmations on a small card and carry it in your pocket so that every time you put your hands into your pocket, you'll feel it and pull it out to read it.
Next, stop playing the victim and start taking responsibility for the things that happened to you in your life. You alone have the power to change things. Make time for yourself and start a Journal of Healing to help address some of the past issues that are keeping you from being happy.
So, you see. Happiness is a decision you have to make. Then, you have to start doing things to get you towards that happiness.
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