Monday 27 March 2023

"Great value for money!" Do the Free CV Check first, then if you're open-minded about taking your CV to the next level why not try the CV Express next? Most people do the CV Express and combine it with the LinkedIn Express too (the good news then is that you improve BOTH of these critical self-marketing tools in parallel) Links for all 3 services are in the group post #itcontractingacademy #cvexpress #cvreview

"Great value for money!" Do the Free CV Check first, then if you're open-minded about taking your CV to the next level why not try the CV Express next? Most people do the CV Express and combine it with the LinkedIn Express too (the good news then is that you improve BOTH of these critical self-marketing tools in parallel) Links for all 3 services are in the group post #itcontractingacademy #cvexpress #cvreview

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